
Gibraltar (Alicante) - Canary Islands

Nasza przygoda rozpocznie się już od rejsu z Alicante przez Gibraltar na Wyspy Kanaryjskie. Częścią naszego rejsu dookoła świata jest przepłyniecie Atlantyku odwiedzając  po drodze malownicze Wyspy Zielonego Przylądka. Organizujemy rejs kilku etapowy:                                  
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2015-11-18  | 

Atlantic crossing with you XI 2016

    Crossing Atlantic will be our first step to start the World Rally  Big adventure with a lot of preparation just to achieve a dream of every sailor – Atlantic Crossing.  As we are not brave enough to do it by ourselves and it is also not too attractive to do it without good companion, we are going to sail with some friends and people who are keen on of
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2015-11-15  | 

Sailing Round the World - dream come true PART I

What is the biggest dream for a passionate diver? Probably to dive in Great Australian barrier reef… What is the biggest dream for a globetrotter? Probably to explore all continents and to reach unspoiled places which not many people have seen. What is the biggest dream for a sailor? For sure - Circumnavigation- sailing round the
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2015-11-15  | 

LED Shop products

Complete lamp - recessed down light with Sealeds SEA6 200lm

Complete lamp Cantalupi Jenny luxury down-light fixture with Sealeds SEA 6 offered at a discounted price WE ACCEPT Payment by PAYPAL - easy way to do it!

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